#What is audio endpoint for win 10 software#
Tag: Vista Pro-Audio Application Development How can I bypass the default audio endpoint device in Windows Vista Software Development for Windows Vista

5) Have you tried making the buffer some super large size to see if that makes the problem go away You can then maybe find some kind of correlation between the size at which it crashes and the allocated buffersize. 4) Is RGBTRIPLE the same size as a BYTE Else you'll have to do the following pProperties->cbBuffer = F2P_SIZE * m_bytesPerPixel * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE) In DecideBufferSize. In cases where I've set the size incorrectly, I've gotten really strange results. 3) From my experience vihOut->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0 //F2P_HEIGHT * F2P_WIDTH * m_bytesPerPixel Should be set to F2P_HEIGHT * F2P_WIDTH * m_bytesPerPixel (like you've commented out) and NOT 0 else I get funny results downstream such as my downstream filters not connecting properly or rendering the video. 2) ) Is m_bytesPerPixel definately set by the time the DecideBufferSize method get's called Maybe put a breakpoint in this method just to verify it. Can't see anything funny off hand, but here's what I would try doing: 1) For which value of iPixel does the application crash If it's smaller than the allocated buffersize you know that the buffer has not been allocated correctly and can investigate further from there. dshow application with multiple transform filters It's strange that resizing the display would cause it to crash.Windows Tech ‹ Software Development for Windows Vista.